Helping Fertility Patients
At our roots, we are a family-focused group of individuals. Our managing partner, Allison Freeman, has a beautiful daughter due to in vitro-fertilization/IVF. Embracing the lessons learned during her family’s fertility journey, our firm has developed a passion and understanding for helping other families through the IVF process.
Our team is at the forefront of issues that arise from fertility treatments, such as medical negligence, improperly stored or discarded embryos, fertility clinic errors and omissions, and negligence lawsuits against clinics and labs involved in IVF.
We are also knowledgeable about the issues due to the rapid growth in the utilization of pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT-A) in the United States in recent years, which has been publicly criticized.
If you have questions about your fertility treatment, please reach out to discuss how we may be able to assist.